
Crucial Moment Chapter 4: Epic Battle

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                                                    Crucial Moment Chapter 4: Epic Battle

Illiana was so upset that Raphael had changed the date of the wedding. When suddenly the Earth began to shake. She quickly got up to check Sophi was ok.
"Are you all right"Illiana asked,
Ya answered Sophi "What the heck was that"?
Suddenly hundreds of zombies began to spring from the ground. Some of the zombies  were heavily armed. If you looked up you'd also notice that the sky had gotten very dark, which was strange since it was the middle of the day. The moon also seemed bigger than usual and more sinister as the sky was flashing with thunder and lightning. Illiana quickly ran to her uncle Trevor's old closet that was hidden behind a wall. Inside her Uncle kept all kinds of weapons he used to use. Illiana grabbed a sword and Illiana grabbed a strange looking spear with some kinda orb in it. Then they noticed uncle Trevor picking up a sword . They reminded there uncle of his injuries but he gave a stern look and just ignored them.
"Whats happening" ?asked Illiana
"A dark evil was destroyed long ago" Trevor answered, "but since then it has revived and escaped its eternal prison".
On the other side of town three dark figures made there approach. One was a monstrous troll he was dressed in armor made by the bones of his victims, his name is Acolyte and he is leading the attack. With him was a huge hound from Hell. And the one Acolyte gets his orders from, A dark man who is the creator of this dark moment . He has been stealing the lives of many innocent people in order to revive his master. His master is revived but is not at his full power yet all he requires is a handful of victims and a special person at his side.
Acolyte! The dark man commanded, "Destroy everything that is found, except for the two young women the master has…plans for, And make sure the hellhound is fed…well, I have an old friend to visit". And with that the two made there way to Grinigoire as ordered by the dark man known as…Karma!
Trevor, Illiana, and  Sophi were battling every zombie that came in there path. It was a little challenging after all you cant kill something that's already dead. Illiana then heard cries, she turned and looked up there on the upper floor of a burning house was a small child crying for help.Illiana rushed into the house to rescue the child.
"Where are you" she called?
"Here in the closet"called the child.
Illiana made her way toward the closet but soon noticed it was on fire. Illiana braced herself as she charged into the burning,picked up the kid and headed straight outside. Once out the child thanked her,
"(Cough) welcome(Cough)"answered Illiana.
"Are you…OWW!!!...ok Illiana" asked Trevor as his arms began to ache?
"are you "Illiana answered back?
Trevor just ignored her and continued fighting zombies.
As this was happening the zombies were trying to destroy everything…everything but the church. For some odd reason the zombies wouldn't go near it. Just then Sheriff Douglas arrived (he already had a bruise on his forehead but that was before the zombies came).He arrived with many other soldiers, as he scanned the situation he ordered his men to attack. As Douglas men battled the zombies Illiana began to believe that this would soon be over…right? Wrong just then something terrible happened , a huge monstrous hound began mutilating everything in its path. As this happened a troll jumped off the hound he pulled out his bow and aimed at Douglas. Douglas was busy battling zombies when he suddenly felt a horrible pain in his left shoulder. He finished off the three zombies and saw an arrow there in him. He turned toward Acolyte who fired another arrow in Douglas's right thigh. Douglas thought for a moment of his loved ones, his fan club, how he was like a hero to them(except for when Raphael would ruin it).He then looked back at Acolyte who was hideously laughing at him, and then with strength that seemed to come out of nowhere marched toward Acolyte. Acolyte surprised, found himself in an epic dual against a wounded Douglas.
At the same time Bernardo had all the children and those that did not wish to fight in the safety of his church. Everyone wondered why the zombies would not come near the church, except for Bernardo, he had a pretty good idea why they wouldn't come close. Just then Bernardo heard a familiar dark and eerie voice say "hello old friend".
Bernardo immediately turned around ,"Karma…is that you"?
"Tiss I"! Karma answered. Then they began to argue over good and evil and which side would overpower the other and when Karma lost he zapped  Bernardo who disappeared all that remained was dust. Karma overjoyed then disappeared laughing.
here it is as I set chapter 4 (note this chapter does not contain Raphael or Terence) also in the original draft there is more than one kid in the closet and Illiana uses dabs holy water on her fingers to get rid of the fire,Bernardo walks over to them (for some random reason) and takes them to his church,also in the original draft there is in detail exactly what is said when Bernardo and Karma argue

other than that this chapter may not be as entertaining so sorry but dont worry next chapter has Raphael and Terence
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